How to Sell an e-book – What You Should Know

We are living in the age of immensely developed technology. Electronic media has taken charge of print media. If we take a glance at our surroundings; every person is equipped with digital assisting devices which have become the basic necessity. An e-book is a major development followed by the e-library. Merchandising has shifted to a new edge of its own kind as selling e-books is the hot business around the globe. If you are an e-book writer or seller; you need to learn and understand following basic tips for selling an e-book.

Script Handling of e-Book

Firstly, you should clearly know about the group of society you are going to target. The substance of your e-Book is the most imperative part. This is the place where you convey your ideas.

  • Who is my optimal target individual?
  • What EXACTLY is my gathering of people attempting to achieve and how is the substance of my eBook identified with their objectives?
  • What battles will they experience as they endeavor to come to their goals?

Once you’re sure about the responses to the above inquiries, you are ready to write the script.

Before finishing your point, do some exploration on the current market. Take an overview at potential contenders offering e-Books in comparable classifications on Amazon or their own particular site. Explore ways by which your story and extraordinary point of view can help you to emerge. Get innovative.

Software Selection for e-Book

The simplest part of the creation of an e-book is choosing a software to compose manuscript.

Software used in this regard are:

  • Microsoft Word (PC/Mac)
  • Microsoft Word Online (PC/Mac)
  • Pages (Mac)
  • Open Office (PC/Mac)
  • Google Docs (PC/Mac)

e-Book Formatting

Formatting is essential with regards to your eBook as it enables you to convey your message in an effective way.

  • If you somehow happened to knot the whole eBook together as one long persistent passage, it would be totally crazy to peruse.
  • Then again, if each sentence has bolded, emphasized and underlined words, this too is excessive.
  • Using more than two fonts in writing style can shape your script into a great read.
  • Final file type for the e-book publishing and selling at any website or e-portal is PDF only.


Perusing out loud is an incredible method to get things that you may somehow miss. Your mind naturally fills in holes, adjusts grammatical errors, and disregards mistaken words.

Check for spellings and grammatical mistakes you have made while writing your ideas. Keep in mind that settling minor mistakes can occupy your editor from greater assignments, such as checking content.

Send your script for proofreading to a professional proofreader and never get hurt or discouraged if they suggest to alter or remove any of the text from your script. Always remember that this process is for your own good.

Links to the Content

A great feature of the e-book is a linkage between the similar books and topics given on the site. You can reach your goal effortlessly with these links.

Links to the contents create a small network inside the website which is helpful at a gross level. It will pull more viewers to your e-book eventually so never hesitate to include such helping links in your e-book selling profile.

Colored Images in e-Book

Most exciting part of the e-Book is its detailed demonstration of images. For example, I came across an anatomy e-book and it has visible color images of parts of the human body which helped me elaborating answers in my exams.

The magnificence of an e-Book is that you can utilize pictures to improve your e-Book without the additional printing cost.

Design Attractive Cover

An attractive book cover recommends polished skill and gives clients a feeling that work has gone into the item. Take a gander at book covers in a comparable specialty to yours to get a few thoughts. Here are a couple of components of a decent eBook cover:

  • Make the title in an unexpected shading in comparison to the foundation.
  • Set your title in a simple font in order to be visualized easily.
  • Visual components ought to be 300 dpi.
  • Be careful with copyright – don’t utilize pictures or plan components that you don’t have the authorization to utilize.

If you are not proficient at visual graphics; never design your e-book cover yourself. Always hire a graphical designer who is able to make your cover look eye-catching and attract buyers.

Conversion of an e-book to Multiple Formats

When it comes to selling your e-book on a large number of websites simultaneously, you must have to take care that your e-book format should match the specifications of the websites you have chosen to trade with. Mobi format is used for merchandising on Amazon while Epub is the ideal format for the Apple iBook and Kobo. Most of the website available for selling e-Book accept PDF format only. If you have made your own store and you are targeting your audience directly you can offer all the formats available to make your e-book suitable for all the devices used to read content.

Websites to sell an e-book

Merchandising of your e-book is the major part of e-book writing. There are web portals available to publish and sell your content successfully to the targeted audience.

Here are some renowned websites to sell your e-book.

  • E-commerce Website Design
  • Payhip
  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publish
  • Blurb
  • Lulu
  • Tradebit
  • NOOK Press
  • Smashwords
  • Scribd
  • Feiyr
  • Gumroad

Now, you just have to sign in at one of the websites of your choice. Create a profile, upload your content and start selling.

To your success,


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