Income Quickies Review? Legit or Scam

Do you like quickies? Well, not what you think! The person or the people behind this product somehow named it “Income Quickies” because the course is supposed to teach you how to make a quick income within just 30 minutes with little or no work. I know you must have heard something like this before. Maybe someone has promised you will make a quick cash before and end up disappointing you.
I’m no stranger to courses that make a lot of promises. In fact, somehow, it looks like I have made it my life mission to expose these scams. I’m not on a witch hunt here but I like making things easier especially for newbies who are looking for a way to earn money online.
Before I go in deep into reviewing Income Quickies, I would like to say that if you believe you could be making $10,000 with little or no work online, then making money online isn’t for you. You will be better off with a real job with a steady salary.
Today, I will be looking into Income Quickies to find out if you will be making loads of cash within 30 minutes like they promised or if it is a big waste of time. Keep on reading to find out everything you need about Income Quickies.
Program Name: Income Quickies
Price: $4.95/month +upsells
Recommended: No
Overall Rating: 2 out of 10
My Top Rated Program To Make Money Online: WealthyAffiliate/FreeStarterMembership
What is Income Quickies?
Income Quickies is a program that promises you can make use of a “little known” money-making method to make as much as $10,000 per month with just 30 minutes of work per day. According to the people behind this product, you won’t need to worry about traffic, creating a product, or building email list when you get their course. However, they promised that their system is very profitable. Despite your level of experience, they promised you could be making over $10,000 when you pay for the course.
In Income Quickies, you pay $4.95 every month and get access to $4000 worth of information or so they claimed. The spokesman on the video claims that the method is so good that you can be making money by the end of the week. He promised that the entire method can be set up within 30 minutes and requires no experience. He goes on to say that once you have everything set up, you can be making $50-$100 per day and this method is scalable to $500 – $1000 per day.
Is this for real?
Well, I have seen a lot of course that made such promises in the past. Most of them turned out to be a scam or a pure waste of time. Soon, you will find out if Income Quickies is another scam or legit. Keep on reading.
How Does Income Quickies Work?
Now, this is where things get interesting. Income Quickies made it sound like you have finally found your breakthrough. They claimed that once you join them, you only pay $4.95 and get access to information that could make you over $4,000 in that month.
It doesn’t end there. They promised you can start making $50-$100 and scale it up to $500 -$1000 per day with just 30 minutes. With time, you could be earning $10,000 within one month. Without a doubt, there are so many promises. Now, all these promises will get one thinking why will the people behind this product sell it for just $4.95 when you can make as much as $4000 from the information they provide?
The answer is a simple one: You won’t be making anywhere near that amount of money. The truth is that most courses that made huge promises like this one always turn out to be nasty scams.
With Income Quickies, you will pay a small monthly membership fee in the hope that you will get an earth-shattering information that will make you millions of dollars in a few months. Unfortunately, you will be disappointed if you believe this. What you will actually get is a generic information that you can easily find on YouTube and other websites completely free.
To make $10,000 per month online is possible but believe me, there is no way you can be able to make such amount of money just by working only 30 minutes per day. If you are ready to make money online, you should be ready to put in some serious works.
Red Flags
- Creator Has No Name
- No Information On How it Works
- Upsells
The spokesperson on Income Quickies sales video did not introduce himself or tell us who he is. He just went on blabbing how he was struggling online until he hit a jackpot.
Certainly, if this course is real and the method described in the course is genuine and can help one make money as he promised, he won’t have any problem letting us know his real name. This is the first warning sign I noticed when I watched their sales video.
Just like other courses like this one, the spokesperson or the people behind the product made no mention of how the program works. So this means you have absolutely no idea of what you are getting into until you have made the payment. Whether this course is a scam or not, it is always good that you tell the prospect what your business is all about. If it is about affiliate marketing, let them know and stop beating around the bush. The fact that Income Quickies made no mention of how it works should give you some serious concern.
Do you think that the only money you are going to pay is just $4.95? Think again! This is no trick most product creators’ use. They use a ridiculously low price to lure you in. Once you step, they would have gotten your email and then they will show you irresistible offers at a higher price. It will be hard to say no to these upsells since they will tell you that your success in their program depends on these upsells. Thus, just note that you will pay more than what you are actually seeing on their sales page.
Is Income Quickies a Scam?
Well, there are so many definitions for a scam. However, I don’t think that Income Quickies is a scam. But one thing I can tell you for sure is that this course is way over hyped. I won’t recommend it for anybody.
If you decide to go ahead and buy it, you will be wasting your money. I know for sure that it is not possible to make that amount of money they are claiming with just 30 minutes of work.
If you really want to earn a lot of money online, you should try affiliate marketing. It is one of the best ways you can make a lot of money from home.
Is There An Alternative
Certainly, if you are looking for a way to make $10,000 as the author of Income Quickies claim, you should learn how to build a genuine business online.
This will take some time and patience, but you can do it with the right tools and lessons. Fortunately, you can learn everything you need about affiliate marketing with this course known as Wealthy Affiliate. You can get started for free. This means you are not risking anything. Click here if you would like to check out Wealthy Affiliate.
Thank you for visiting my Income Quickies review. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments section below.
To your success,