April 19, 2021

Is High Ticket Closer a Scam or Legit?

Is High Ticktet Closer A Scam

I’m going to review and expose all the little details about Dan Lok’s new program known as “High Ticket Closer”. Is High Ticket Closer a Scam or a legit opportunity? You will finally get your answer today. To do this review I have conducted one of my most in-depth analyses with the interview of people who actually bought the program. 

What is Dan Lok’s High Ticket Closer? How does it work? Can you make money with this program? Is it a scam? These and so many more are some of the questions that flooded my inbox. So, I have taken the time to go over each of them to provide the clearest answers as possible.

I started this blog years ago to provide an honest and unbiased review for online programs such as High Ticket Closer. Over the years, this blog has come to be a source of authentic information even for people outside of the United States. While reviewing various programs and software, I have been able to also make passive money from home while keeping my regular job. If you are interested in knowing how I make money online, you can check out this link below to see my number 1 recommended program for making money online. 

  • Name: High Ticket Closer
  • Type: Affiliate Marketing Training
  • Owner: Dan Lok
  • Price: $2,495
  • Rating: 6/10
My Top Recommended Program To Make Money Online

What is High Ticket Closer?

High Ticket Closer is an online training program created by a Canada-based online entrepreneur – Dan Lok to teach you how to sell high ticket products on large scale. According to Dan Lok, the program focus more on helping you to understand and master the human psychology behind selling and buying. Thus, it focuses more on human psychology instead of the technical details. With what you learn, you are supposed to be able to find high-ticket products of your choice and then easily sell them to as many people as you want.

The author of this product is a well-known marketer and YouTuber. His product is supposed to make you an expert in selling both online and offline. In the past, I have seen even more popular marketers sell value-less products online using their popularity to suck people in. Below, I’m going to a look at the man behind this product, and then we will review how High Ticket Closer works. 

Who is Dan Lok – the Man Behind High Ticket Closer?

Dan Lok is a well-known online entrepreneur, speaker, author, YouTuber, and digital marketing expert. You may have seen a couple of his YouTube videos before now. He is also known as “the king of high ticket sales”.

According to Dan, he came to Canada from Hong Kong as an immigrant. Since then, he has been able to build himself up and he is known worldwide today for his selling abilities. A little googling will also reveal a lot of information about him.

High Ticket Closer review

How Does High Ticket Closer Works?

High Ticket Closer works in a different way compared to hundreds of other similar programs I have reviewed in the past. At first look, I was really impressed. It is live training. But before you get access to the platform, you will have to pay $2,495. When the program was initially launched, Dan Lok claimed he only needed 49 people to sign up and he will close the slot. However, he kept on increasing the number of available slots. In my opinion, that is just an aggressive marketing tactic to get people to sign up as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, whenever you get access to the program, you won’t see video materials and PDFs like other online programs do. Instead, there are days and specific times in which you have to be available to listen to Dan Lok’s live training. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and clear any doubts you may have.

It is a 7-week program. Before you join, it is important that you make sure you can make out time to be available for live online training within these weeks. Of course, the training is in English. So, make sure that your English is very good. Otherwise, you may not be able to catch up. 

The training within these 7 weeks mostly focus on:

  • How to dominate any business with a high mentality
  • The psychology behind selling high ticket products
  • The secret behind making millions of dollars online using a computer and smartphones to makes sales.
  • How to find profitable high ticket products to sell
  • How to break down the buyer’s resistance and get them to buy from you.

What I like about the program is that it is a live program. The mentor – Dan, focuses more on training you to become a high-ticket product seller. High ticket products are products that cost $1,000 and above. As an experienced affiliate marketer, I know that this is a very profitable niche. Nevertheless, it is usually hard to break into. You will also have the opportunity to play roles during the training. You play a role as either a buyer or seller. This helps you to learn the secret of selling. Recently, the High Ticket Closer platform was redesigned allowing you access to members and information therein 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Ugly Truth About High Ticket Closer

Despite coming from a very popular marketer, there are some facts about this program that are great turnoffs. To make sure you get all the facts, I have analyzed some of the cons of High Ticket Closer in this section.

It is Very Expensive

At $2495, this got to be one of the most expensive online training you will ever join as a beginner. It requires a very large sum of money. Most people who can easily afford this amount have other interests in mind. Besides, you only get access to the program for 7-weeks. There is a chance you won’t be able to pick up a solid foundation of selling within this period. In case you don’t, there are no refunds.

It Focuses Too Much on Psychology and Not Technical

The training puts too much effort into training you to master the psychology behind selling high-ticket products. Even if you study psychology in college, you will still need to know the technical details of selling online. Unfortunately, this training doesn’t provide that. This means you will need to make additional investments elsewhere to learn about affiliate marketing in the real world. 

No Guarantees

After 7-weeks, you are on your own. The program lasts for 7 weeks. There is no guarantee that this period is enough to pick up solid knowledge to master high ticket selling. If you fail to master this knowledge within this period, there is no do-over. You will either count your loss or you will join another program of Dan Lok at an even more expensive price.

Not Ideal for Newbies

As someone who is just starting to try to make money online, it certainly doesn’t make any sense to invest $2,495 for psychology lessons. Instead, focus your attention on learning the technical details and choosing the right products to sell. This is exactly what programs such as Wealthy Affiliate teaches you. You can find the link to join or check out Wealthy Affiliate below.

Is High Ticket Closer a Scam?

No! High Ticket Closer is not a scam. It is 100% legit. Dan Lok is trusted. He stands behind his product and takes accountability. It is a live program where you get to talk to him and his team. He will even answer your direct questions. However, this program is not ideal for newbies unless you are looking to make physical sales in the real world. If you are more interested in building passive income online, I would then recommend you learn the nitty-gritty of affiliate marketing. I have put the link to my number 1 recommended program below to help you learn how to build a sustainable passive income online.

Number 1 recommendation to make money online wealthy affiliate

Kirk Whitehead

Owner of affiliate bootcamp

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