Is Auto Profit Replicator Legit? Full Review

If you could make tens of thousands of dollars per day, what will you do with the money? You would probably go on vacation every day. Yet, here is a guy claiming that when you make use of his software, you can make tens of thousands of dollars every on a complete autopilot. Do you know what this means? You can set up his system, go for a party and come back to see thousands of dollars waiting for you. Doesn’t that sound a bit far-fetched to you?
Without a doubt, people come up with various claims of earning daily online. Nowadays, it seems that these claims are getting bolder every day. Certainly, it is possible that you can make $10,000 per day online but it is nowhere as easy as these guys claim. In fact, making that amount of money will require a lot of investment in both money and time. You will also need to spend the time to master the trade or whatever is it that will be giving you that amount of income. I see no way you can earn that amount of money just by making use of a free app. If it is possible like they claim, everybody will be rich, wouldn’t they?
Over the years, I have seen courses that made similar claims. Do you know what? Most of them turned out to be pure scam.
If you ask me, I already know how this review will end. But to be fair, I will go through the course completely in this honest and unbiased review, you will learn of what Auto Profit Replicator is, the people behind it, how this system works, and whether it is a scam or not. Keep on reading to find out everything you need to know about Auto Profit Replicator.
ProductName: Auto Profit Replicator
Cost: Free (with a catch)
Creator: Simon Saunders
Recommended: No
Overall Rating: 0 out of 10
My Top Rated Program: WealthyAffilaite/Free/StarterMembeship
What is Auto Profit Replicator?
This is a binary trading software which claims that you can make tens of thousands of dollars per day because it provides high accuracy rate. According to the people behind this software, once you activate it, it will place trades on your behalf and help you make a lot of money within a few days.
To show their software works, they show a lot of screenshot of earning they got from so-called previous users of this software. According to them, the process is not complicated at all. In fact, you can use it to make money even if you are just hearing about binary for the first time. Once you activate this software, it will suck your broker dry. You can go on holiday while the software trades for you and put huge money into your bank account every day.
Without a doubt, the people behind this software made a lot of claims and will all know how such claims usually turn out. Keep on reading.
How Does Auto Profit Replicator Work?
Like I mentioned above, this is a software for trading binary. Just in case you don’t understand how binary trading works, it allows you to make a bet on the price movement of an asset such as stocks, currencies, commodities, and indices. You will need to fund an account with a broker before you can start making a bet. It is not actually trading like in the case of forex trading. What you basically do in binary trading is guess whether the price will go up or down.
Of course, a lot of things will affect price movements and most of these things are factors that you cannot control. Thus, this makes it difficult to be accurate all the time. In fact, most times, 50% accuracy is considered a good accuracy level in binary trading. To improve your accuracy and subsequent result, you must get good at analyzing the market.
Where Does Auto Profit Replicator Come In?
Now, here is where it gets more interesting. Simon Saunders, who is the person behind this product claims that once you get this software, you won’t need to analyze the market. According to him, his software will analyze the market on your behalf.
The lie gets better. After analyzing the market, the software will go ahead to place a trade on your behalf using the money you will deposit with a broker he will recommend. Once you win that trade, the software will place another trade until you make as much money as possible.
According to the creator, “the replicator software only trades when it knows it’s going to win”. Without a doubt, this is the biggest lie told by the creator of the product. I suspect the reason why he said this is to give you an impression that you are going to win every time which is almost impossible. Come to think of it, if you win the trade every minute the software trades for you, this means you are going to be a millionaire pretty soon.
I have no doubt that Simon Saunders – which is probably a fake name because the name doesn’t exist want to give you an impression that you can always win every time you trade with his Auto Profit Replicator Software. It is definitely not possible to win every time in binary. If that happens, all the brokers will pack up. Thus, this software is probably a scam and I will reveal how this scam works.
Is Auto Profit Replicator a Scam?
Yes, Auto Profit Replicator is a scam. It looks like it is free at front-end but this is just a trick to lure you in. When you sign up for Auto Profit Replicator, you will be told for this to work, you will need to sign up with selected brokers.
These are shady brokers who are not trusted. Joining these brokers will cost you $250. Guess who gets paid when you join these brokers? Yes, you guessed it right. Simon Saunders or whoever is behind this course gets paid when you sign up for the course and join the brokers. He may be an affiliate to these brokers or he is among the owner of the brokers.
In whichever case, he makes money when you sign up with a recommended broker. He is not doing you a favor by offering this course to you for free. It is a scam to get your email which he will use later to advertise to you as well as a ploy to get you to pay $250 to join his broker.
I won’t recommend Auto Profit Replicator to anyone because it is a big scam. I will advise you to ignore this course because it is not going to work for you.
Is There Any Other Alternative
Yes, if you are ready to put in some few hours of work per day, then you will like this platform known as “Wealthy Affiliate”. Over the years, average people like you have used Wealthy Affiliate to build a sustainable business online. This platform is free to join and you will learn how to create a profitable side income from home. Click on the link below to read more about Wealthy Affiliate.
Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate.
Thanks for visiting my Auto Profit Replicator review. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments section below.
To your success,