7 Figure Profit Code Review: Is it a Scam?

seven figure profit code

7 Figure Profit Code Reviewseven figure profit code

Name: 7 Figure Profit Code

Website: Sevenfigureprofitcode.com

Creator: Meaghan Harper

Price: $97

Recommended? No

Overall Rating: 1 out of 10

My #1 Rated Program To Make Money Online: WealthyAffiliate.com/Free/StarterMembership


In this 7 Figure Profit Code review I will be taking a deeper dive into some of the claims and red flags I see being made in the sales video and landing pages.

They claim that you can quit your job and tell your boss to take a hike in just a matter of a few days. Really? I doubt you will be able to that or make the $1076.00 daily earnings you see in one of the fake testimonials.

After reviewing 100’s of make money online opportunities over the years these outrageous claims get my guard up in a hurry. That may even be the reason you are here. Is it?

You probably came here wanting to learn more information and find out if 7 Figure Profit Code is a scam or a legit way to make money online right? Does 7 figure Profit Code work, can you make money etc. These are some of the questions I will be going over for you in this review.

Just so you know, I am not a member of this program so you can rest assured I am going to be giving it to you strait up. No BS as I have no interest in getting you to sign up for this program. Is that cool with you?

So What is 7 figure profit code?

Before we proceed to check any signs of the program being a scam, let’s first understand what it is all about.

Can you really earn money using the site or is it just another scam that is out to fleece unsuspecting investors? According to the information the website gives, they claim to be an online investment opportunity that has the potential to give you up to $1076.74 per day.

It was created by Meaghan Harper, who doubles as the spokesperson of the program. She says she has hired 45 people and according to her explanation, you are given a pre-built site that will be earning you money through automatic traffic generation.

They claim this is some secret traffic generation method that allows you to generate leads from all over the internet that you can then send to affiliate offers to earn these huge daily commissions.

In the front end of the sales video, they are creating a free affiliate account that has zero earnings, then claiming this is actually live footage of these commissions pouring in and that this will be your account that you can have once you have joined.

This is total nonsense and nothing but a marketing ploy to get people to join. I see these tricks all the time.

Another big problem that I see a lot is the use of fake testimonials. How do I know they are fake?

Well, you can find these same people over at Fiverr doing these gigs for 5 bucks. Yep, that’s right the same people.

This screenshot is just one fake testimonial of the many you will find on the 7 Figure Profit Code website.

These types of programs are known for over hyping and making claims of fast money to get people to part with their hard earned money for the chance to get on this secret money machine. The sad thing is it works a lot of the time.

People buy into these programs all the time and once in they realize they have been way over promised and under delivered on what they thought was going to be their easy ride to riches.

One thing I have learned over the years is that making money online is not hard, it just takes some time and dedication and the right training.

The training that comes with the 7 Figure Profit Code system is short on both details and substance. If you are a beginner in affiliate marketing this training is not going to be much help at all.

Do you want to see what great training looks like? If you do just click on the banner above and create a free account. You will not be disappointed I promise.

So Is 7 Figure Profit Code a Scam?

When doing reviews I always try to give every program a fair shake. I do not get out over my skies and leap to call out these type of opportunities as scams.

So on a scam scale of 100 7 Figure Profit Code gets a 95 scam rating. I think we can call this one a scam.

This is your notorious get rich quick scam that takes advantage of people that are new to the making money online space.

They give a bad taste in a lot of these beginners mouths who are just trying to make a better life for themselves. After falling prey to one of these, it is no wonder why they are skeptical about joining any online money making opportunity.

When I first started online I fell for a few of these myself, but I knew that there were legit opportunities out there so I kept at it and ended up where I am now at Wealthy Affiliate and plan on being for years to come. You can read my review of WA here.



Can You Make Money with the 7 Figure Profit Code?

So, is there any money to be made through the 7 Figure Profit Code? Unfortunately, after your membership fee is swallowed, you will not get an opportunity to recoup it, neither will you withdraw many profits if any as the site claims. Only one person is making money and that is not you, but the person behind the program.


With 7 Figure Profit Code scam reviewed, it is fair to conclude that this program is not the best choice if you are looking to make money online.

This is a get-rich-quick scheme that I suggest you stay away from. There are other proven, honest, and legit opportunities online that you can get started with for free.

If you have any questions just leave them in the comments section below or you can contact me via my profile page inside of Wealthy Affiliate.

To your success,



Thank You For Visiting Affiliate Bootcamp. Have a Wonderful Day

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