Internet Millionaire Coach Review: is it a Scam?
What is Internet Millionaire Coach?
Today we will review Internet Millionaire Coach, a site that has a membership for $49, and as we shall see, tons of upsells.
The bold claim by Internet Millionaire Coach is that it will help you get ready online to earn real money in no time. In fact, as we shall see below, it isn’t even a make money program on its own, but a sales page to make more money!
Internet Millionaire Coach seems to be one of the many ‘untruthful’ programs out there, selling you products that you cannot sell.
How does Internet Millionaire Coach Work?
We have spotted another indication of the authenticity of the website which exposes it as a fake program- the official website doesn’t explain what exactly the program is; they just make you go round and round with filler content.
The website aims to help you sell products to make money from commissions.
The problem?
You have to buy those products at high premium prices first, ones that don’t make any sense.
In fact, by the end of the video, you will see the real name of the program – Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System.
Is it a Scam?
Obviously, it is! If you don’t believe our report then just search the internet for reviews and customer feedback to get the real picture.
This type of program has been running on the internet for a long time and it is a wonder that it hasn’t been shut down yet.
Just keep your eyes open for the signs of scam, limited and misleading information, call to action for hard selling, fake news reports, and advertising, too good to be true claims and the sort.
The Scam signs
You must have seen many ads on the internet where the mother of two earns hundreds of dollars per day just by spending a few hours on the internet.
This is one such program and from the beginning, looks like a scam.
You see one Jeff Lerner’s video on the homepage, who vouches on the effectiveness of the program.Incidentally, the same name and person is used by various other programs with different information.
That indeed is a sign of a scam!
Can You Make Money?
Sadly, you cannot! It’s nearly impossible to find people who would be buying the products from you, and even the leads are not automated.
Most people have stated that they have gone into debts of hundreds and thousands of dollars after using this program.
There really aren’t any advantages that come to mind with this one.
Expect false advertising, content, and claims.
You can’t make money off easily from the products that they are selling and the site hides the truth from you, from everything from what you are selling to how you would be making money.
Even if you look at it solely from the affiliate marketing perspective, it’s one of the worst decisions you can possibly make.
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Have an awesome day.