Quantum Biz Code Review: Don’t Join Unless You Read This Review First!

Quantum Biz Code Review

Recently, my inbox was flooded with messages from my website readers asking for my opinion on “Quantum Biz Code”. I wanted to reply to this message directly to their inbox but changed my mind and decided to do a Quantum Biz Code Review so that everyone can benefit from this.

From the moment I landed on the website of “Quantum Biz Code”, I know exactly what to expect. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. This is not the first website that made big promises just to lure people in. You can see the desperation of the author of this course all over the website. Nonetheless, I decided to give it a fair chance by taking a more in-depth look. In this article, you will learn everything there is to know about “Quantum Biz Code”. In the end, you can make your choice.Quantum Biz Code Review

Product: Quantum Biz Code

Creator: Michael Crawford

Website: freeadcashsystem.com/quantumbiz

Price: $250 minimum deposit

Overall Rating: 5 out of 100

My Top Rated Program To Make Money Online: WealthyAffiliate/Free/StarterMembership

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What is Quantum Biz Code?

Weird name, right? I thought as much. You can’t really figure out what this business is all about from the name. However, when you open the website, you will arrive at a promise made by the author of this program named Michael Crawford. According to him, this course will give you lots of money when you sign up. You certainly don’t need to do anything but watch your money grow.


Red Flag!

Whenever someone promise you can make lots of money by doing nothing, simply close the website and run away. Money does not grow on the internet. You have to work if you want to earn money. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that.

Without a remorse, the author (Michael) claimed that you can begin to make money “the very same day” you sign up through something called “Ad flipping” (Don’t ask me, I don’t know the meaning either).


Whenever you begin to hear claims like this with bogus names that you don’t understand, just know that somebody is trying so hard to rip you off. Despite all these bogus claims, I decided to march on to ensure I completely give this course a chance to prove to me that it is not a scam.


How Does Quantum Biz Code Work?

Here is where it gets interesting: Quantum Biz Code sales video started with big fancy cars, jets, and mansion to impress you that the owners of this course and people who have used it are all doing well. Remember, all that glitters are not gold.

They claimed that you can join the program completely free and start making money the same very day you joined the program. But there is a catch: You only have to make $250 investment?

Like seriously?

The same program that claimed you can join for free is now telling you that you need to make $250 investment. The guy in the video knows that convincing someone to drop $250 will be a herculean task so I think he came prepared. He went on to boast how he has made people millionaires in less than 3 months after joining the program.

Of course, he promised that he is definitely going to do the same for you once you join the program.  Once again, all you need to do to become a millionaire within 3 months is just to join the program for free and then invest $250.


What happens after investing $250?

Nothing! You heard that right. You don’t have to do anything except “ad flipping”. I certainly don’t know what they mean by “flipping ads”. That word does not exist anywhere and I have never come across anyone that claims he made money by flipping ads or trading ads like they claimed.

I have been working in the online marketing industry for over 10 years and there is literally no such thing as “flipping ads” or trading ads” as the authors claimed. They certainly want to use one bogus name to deceive you and rip you off. The entire program is built on lies and it doesn’t take a genius to realize that.


He made some big promises that include:

  • You will earn more than $1,892,460 per month
  • Zero work required
  • No money required
  • 100% winning rate and 100% accuracy
  • No previous experience required

He claimed that once you invest $250 in the program, he will use it to “trade ads” for you. You just have to relax and claim your $1,892,460 at the end of the month. Well, life isn’t that easy!


Old Wine In a New Bottle?

Before I forget, I have seen this same exact scam before under a different name. “Quantum Biz Code” is a previous scam repackaged under a new name. This exact program was sold before under the name “Free Ad Cash System”. They ripped people off until their bubble burst and they changed the name to “Quantum Biz Code”.

In the “Free Ad Cash System” – It was claimed that you are going to make over $3,671.32 per day with just one-time investment. Quantum Biz Code is definitely connected to these scammers and I would not touch this with a 10-foot pole!


Fake Author (Michael Crawford is an Actor)

The person that claimed to be Michael Crawford who is supposedly going to make you rich when you buy his course is an actor from Portland name Jason Glick.

The name Michael Crawford does not exist anywhere. The name Michael Crawford is fake. Don’t bother trying to find him. He doesn’t exist anywhere. This means there is NO 100% winning software powering the Quantum Code. The only reason why someone will pay another person and use a fake name is that he knows that he is selling fake course and he doesn’t want you to trace him.


Fake Testimonial

Honestly, I wasn’t shock to discover that the testimonials here are fake as well. Once a program is created under a fake name, it is safe to assume that the testimonials will be fake as well. Once you sign up and scroll down to the members’ area, you will see a bunch of testimonials from people claiming that they have made a ton of money from the program.

But it is all fake!


Take, for instance, one testimony came from a so-called “Gina M”. Upon research, I discovered that the picture was lifted from indiewire.com. The actual name of the person is Ava Duvernay, an award-winning director at Sundance. Certainly, Ana has nothing to do with Quantum Biz Code. The people that created the course weren’t even noble enough to pay for stock photos. I assume they are that evil.



  • Nothing



  • You will lose money
  • You will lose time
  • It will crash your hope


My Verdict – Is The Quantum Biz Code a Scam?

Yes, there is no beating around the bush on this one – Quantum Biz Code is a scam. If you join it, you are going to lose your investment and you won’t earn a dime. Actually, I have seen complaints by people who joined this program. All of them complained that Quantum Biz Code has refused to pay them.

There is absolutely no need wasting your money, resources, time, and hope on this one, you are not going to make a dime from Quantum Biz Code. Instead, you will lose money.


Any Alternative?

Actually, yes! But the truth is that you can’t make money by doing nothing online. If you really want to make money, you need to sell something or provide some sort of service online.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. There are many people including myself that are using a program that teaches you step by step how to create your own business online that will last a lifetime.

This is the only genuine program I will recommend that will teach you everything you need to start making money online from scratch. If you are really interested in leaving your job for laptop lifestyle, I will recommend that you take a look at this program today.

Wealthy Affiliate vs Quantum Biz Code comparison chart

comparison chart conclusion

Thank You for checking out my Quantum Biz Code Review, I hope I answered some of the questions you may have had leading into this review. If you were wondering if Quantum Biz Code is a scam I think you found your answer.

Please if you have any other questions or want to contact me just leave a comment below or get in touch with me via my profile page inside of Wealthy Affiliate.

To your success,


Number 1 recommendation to make money online










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