April 14, 2020

Millionaire Society Review: Why it Won’t Work For You!

Millionaire society review

Millionaire Society anyone? With such a catchy name, it will be very hard to resist joining this platform especially if you a newbie searching for easy ways to make money online. Fortunately, you made a great decision by visiting my website to read the review of Millionaire Society.

To be honest, I would have been impressed with all the promises made by Millionaire Society if I’m still a newbie too. However, I have been making money online via affiliate marketing since 2010. Thus, I have come across all sorts of online scams. Today, it is very easy for me to detect these scams. In fact, I lost a lot of money during my early days of internet marketing. It is for this reason that I decided to create my review website to ensure that others do not make the same mistake I did.

If someone has introduced you to this program called Millionaire Society, you should not be in a hurry to join them. Since you are here, you probably have doubts about whether you should invest in this program or not. It is good that you are having these doubts. In this review, we will go over the pros and cons of the Millionaire Society. I will reveal the hidden truths about this program that you cannot find anywhere else. I will also reveal at the end whether Millionaire Society is a scam or a legit program. Keep on reading to find out more.

  • Name: Millionaire Society
  • Website: www.millionairesociety.com
  • Product: Turnkey Business builder
  • Price: $4.95 – $97/month
  • Rating: 1/5

What is the Millionaire Society?

Millionaire Society is a “Turnkey, Done-for-You” affiliate marketing business that is available on ClickBank. The product is supposedly created by a man named Mack Michaels. According to the creator, the program will provide you a holistic training on affiliate marketing. You will learn and even download the exact marketing tactics the creator is using. The creator of this product is confident that you can start making 6-figure income once you invest in the product.

Note: Before I continue with this review, it is important that I mention that the Millionaire Society is different from Millionaire’s’ Society. Notice the “s” at the end of the second Millionaires Society. The second program is a binary program and very different from the one created by Mack Michaels. The program I’m reviewing today is Millionaire Society (without the ‘s’) created by Mack Michaels and sold on ClickBank.

There is no doubt that this doubt that this product made so many promises.  In fact, it promises that all you need to easily make a boatload of cash on the internet is 50 minutes using the product. I found some of these promises ridiculous. It is easy to believe them if you are just getting started on the internet business.

To make this review easier, I will break it down into different sections so you will know exactly how it works.

Who is Mack Michael?

If you are buying a product on ClickBank, you would at least expect that the creators of products are real. After all, ClickBank has a good reputation. Unfortunately, it is a popular misconception. I researched Mack Michaels, and it turned out that this is a fake name.

No one with that name exists. At least, no Mack Michael is linked with Millionaire Society in real life. This discovery is a huge red flag. In my over 10-years’ experience reviewing products online, most products created by people with a fake name usually turn out to be a scam product. To be honest, I expect this product to be a scam. You will find out the truth at the end of this review.

How Does Millionaire Society Works?

Millionaire Society is sold on ClickBank. Since this program is available on ClickBank, most people pay for it without doing research. On ClickBank, it is sold for a mere $4.95. It is only after purchase that you will be asked to upgrade to a pricier $97/month option to get access to the entire package.

Note that this $97 isn’t a one-time fee. You will pay this money every month whether you make money with the product or not until you unsubscribe. When you finally get access inside Millionaire Society, what you will see will shock you. No doubt, this is a template-based business with tons of outdated training. Most of the training on this platform is considered illegal or does not work anymore.

Some of this training include:

How To Get 100,000 Visitors in An Hour

In this training, Millionaire Society recommends that you make use of a company called Adf.ly to drive traffic to your website. Adf.ly is a company that sells clicks. Most of these clicks are just bots visiting your website. In fact, you could receive 100,000 clicks and none of them would turn into a purchase. Besides, these clicks are not free. You need to spend money to buy them.

Nowadays, no one uses Adf.ly any more. If you want to be successful, you must learn how to make use of SEO to drive traffic to your website.

Turnkey Business – Done-For-You Business

Millionaire Society also promises that you will get Done-for-You business that you can set up within 50 minutes and make boatloads of money online. According to them, you just have to download their DFY business template, make small edits, add your PayPal account, and start making money in less than 50 minutes.

Sound like a dream-come-true? It doesn’t work exactly like that. What you will receive is a bunch of PLR documents that don’t work anymore. You will be stuck with these private label right products wondering what you are doing wrong.

Ugly Truth About Millionaire Society

Millionaire Society made so many promises. It is easy to be deceived by these promises unless you understand how affiliate marketing works or unless you read this review first. I will able to uncover ugly truths about this product just by digging deeper. They include:

1. Fake Name

A couple of years ago when Millionaire Society was released, the creator admitted in the “privacy policy” section that they used a fake name. According to the creator, he did this to protect his privacy. After Millionaire Society has gone viral and people begin to complain about the product, this section of the “privacy policy” was erased.

I genuinely believe that any product that uses a fake name has a 90% chance of being a scam. People use a fake name when they know that their product isn’t going to work.

2. Training Materials Are Outdated

If you are hoping to make money with this product, I’m sorry to burst your bubbles, it isn’t going to happen. Almost every training here is outdated. Take, for instance, the creator is recommending that you drive traffic to your site using Adf.ly and Pinterest. These sites are outdated. No one uses them anymore.

If you apply this training, you will be stuck wondering what you are doing wrong. The worst part is that you will need to pay $97/month to get access to these outdated training.

3. Testimonials Are Fake

Interestingly, the company itself admitted in their disclaimer that the testimonials used on their websites are made up and not authentic. To honest, I was not surprised.

According to them, they changed the name and images of their members just to protect their privacy. The real truth is that they know that the testimonials are fake and they know that you will find out. Thus, they try to make it seem like they did it on purpose.

4. Too Many Complaints

As expected, people who invested in this product complained that it didn’t work for them. It has a 7-days money-back guarantee. Although it was sold on ClickBank, most people did not get their refund.

Investing in the Millionaire Society will not only make you lose money but time. The materials are outdated, the product is very expensive, there is absolutely no support, and the owner is unknown.

Is Millionaire Society a Scam?

Millionaire Society has all the qualities of scam online products I have reviewed in the past. The only difference is that the product is sold on ClickBank. You could be able to get a partial refund if you act on time. It is not a scam. But one thing is for sure, the product is outdated and does not work.

Alternative Genuine Business You Can Start Today

Stop wasting your time on pyramid schemes and other “easy” business that does not work. Those businesses exist only to give you false hope and take your hard-earned money. Listen! If you want to make money online, you have to be ready to put in some work. If you can work on your business for at least 2 hours per day, I guarantee that you can build a sustainable passive income that will replace your job soon.

One way to start is affiliate marketing. Anyone can start affiliate marketing from the comfort of his/her bedroom. All you need is determination and the ability to work on your business consistently for at least the first 3 to 5 months. If you can sustain your business during this period, then there is a huge chance that you will succeed. To make it easier for you, I recommend that you check out this program called “Wealthy Affiliate” that I used to build my own business. Tons of other successful online marketers like me also used Wealthy Affiliate to learn and master affiliate marketing.

Click here to check out Wealthy Affiliate

kirk whitehead

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