What is Email Sending Jobs? Scam or Legit Way to Make Money?

To be honest, I wanted to outrightly let you know that Email Sending Jobs is a scam. Every nerve in my body wanted to just keep this review as short as possible and conclude that you shouldn’t waste your time on this program. Unfortunately, that will look like I’m biased. So I decided to give you Email Sending Jobs a fair chance by going through it in entirety.
If you are like me, you must have received tons of emails claiming that you can make thousands of dollars just be processing emails. These types of emails full my spam folder. If you have received such emails, then you already know what this program is all about.
Anytime I see a program that claims I can make money from doing nothing or doing so little, I get skeptical. In the end, it always turns out I’m right. It is very easy to figure out what this program is all about from the title. In this review, I will try to uncover if you can really make $25 per email like they promised.
It would be cool if you can make such amount of money per email, wouldn’t it? I mean, who wouldn’t want to earn $25 just for processing emails? It sounds so easy, but whenever things sound as easy as this, you should be skeptical. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about email sending jobs. Keep on reading to find out if this program is legit or scam and if it is right for you.
- Name: Email Sending Jobs
- Website: www.emailsendingjobs.biz
- Owner: Unknown
- Price: $75
- Overall Rating: 0 out of 10
- My Top Rated Program: WealthyAffiliate/FreeStarterMembership
What is Email Sending Jobs?
Email Sending Jobs is a program that claims you can make at least $25 per email you send.
Sound like a really cool job, isn’t it? Before you decide to spend any money thinking you are going to make $25 just for sending out emails, I will recommend that you read this review until the end. Like I used to say, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that $25 for sending out a single email sound too good. Come to think of it, sending out email is probably one of the easiest things anyone can do. If the work is that easy and earning that attractive, why on earth would these people reveal it to you? Unfortunately, most people that want to make money online are desperate. Thus, they may likely see this as a great opportunity.
How Does Email Sending Jobs Work?
Email Sending Jobs is a program created by an unknown author. The owners claim they will match you with companies that need help with sending out emails. According to them, you can make up to $50 for just one email. They even claim that you can choose a company that you want to work with.
There is only one catch – You have to pay just $75 upfront. Who charges you to do a job for him? If these companies are hiring you to help them send email, why would they need you to pay them first? This doesn’t make any sense at all.
Unfortunately, this is not the only thing that didn’t make sense. The owners claim that these emails have already been written for you. All you need to do is just send them and earn $25 per email. Now come to think of it, why would someone need another person to send an email that is already written? Sending an email only takes a click of a button, why on earth would someone pay you $25 just to click that button? – It doesn’t just add up. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that this is a scam – a lazy one for a lazy mind.
There are tons of red flags that also suggest this program is a scam. Some of these red flags include:
- High-Income Hype
- No Owner
- Fake Testimonials
- Nothing
- Waste of time
- Waste of money
- Waste of resources
- Your hope will crash
Like I mentioned above, I get really uncomfortable whenever I see a program claiming high income. This is typical of programs that are a scam. The owners are claiming that you will earn up to $50 for sending one email. One question that I never cease to ask is why on earth will someone pay you that ridiculous amount?
With services of virtual assistants, companies can pay just $50 for an hour of work instead of $50 per email. It doesn’t make any sense at all.
Did I forget to mention that this product has no owner? This means you have no idea who you are sending your money to and therefore can’t claim a refund. There is no information on where the owners are located or how you can contact them. Even the domain name was registered anonymously.
Now, when someone goes to that extent to hide his identity, there is something he definitely doesn’t want you to see. According to my experience, when someone is hiding his identity, he doesn’t want you to trace him because he knows quite well that the program is a scam.
To be honest, I expected the testimonials to be fake as well. Claiming that you make $25 sending a single email is an outright lie and I don’t expect any genuine person to come out and claim he actually earned from sending emails.
The only reason why someone will make use of fake testimonials is because the program is a scam. Moreover, even the so-called people that testified to this program have no pictures or anything that ties them to this program.
Is Email Sending Jobs a Scam?
Yes and yes again – Email Sending Jobs is a pure scam. I won’t try to sugar-coat this one, if you join this program, you are going to lose your money because there is nowhere on earth someone will pay you $25 to send a single email.
The program doesn’t just make sense and this doesn’t take a genius to realize that. The whole thing is built on a lie – the owners are hidden, testimonials are fake, fake screenshots, and even the domain name is registered anonymously. If you join this program, you are going to waste your money and time. If you want a job sending emails, get a real job from a real company as a marketing admin or learn how to do internet marketing.
Any Alternative?
Here is the truth: To make money online, you either have to sell a product or provide a service. You must do either of these two. How about I show you a product that teaches you how to promote other people’s product and earn money from it? Today, Wealthy Affiliate is ranked as one of the best programs that will teach you how to build a profitable online business from home.
You can avoid losing your money to scams when you join Wealthy Affiliate. This program will teach you how to build a six-figure business from home the right way.
Thank you for visiting my Email Sending Jobs Review. If you have any questions just leave them in the comments section below.
To you success,