May 14, 2020

Just One Dime Review: Is this Amazon FBA Course Worth All the Hypes?

Just One Dime expert Review

Just One Dime created by Seth Kniep is getting a lot of attention. You are here because you are already thinking about investing in this course. You made a fantastic decision to read this honest and unbiased review of this course before making your final decision. Today, you will learn if Just One Dime is legit or another scam product created to deceive people that wants to make money online.

If you have visited Just One Dime website, you will certainly be impressed with their rag to riches story especially if you are a newbie. According to the creator of this course, he was in debt, living from paycheck to paycheck until he decided to create his first Amazon sellers account and doubled his dime 20 times into over $100,000 selling on Amazon. It is a typical rags-to-riches story you have heard over one million times before. For most people who come to my website to read reviews, this claim alone will make you question how legit this course is.

Seth also claims that some of these students are making hundreds of thousands of dollars using the exact strategy in his course. According to him, one student used the strategies in this course to build and sold his Amazon company for over $1,000,000. To be honest, it is really hard to know whether he is telling the truth or making desperate promises. Either way, you will find out shortly. Just keep reading, I will reveal to you everything you need to know about this course in the next few paragraphs. One thing is for sure, you will find this review very interesting.

  • Name: Just One Dime
  • Owner: Seth Kniep
  • Type: E-Commerce (Amazon)
  • Rating: 4/5

What is Just One Dime?

Just One Dime is a membership course created by Seth Kniep. According to Seth, the course will train you on how to create and grow your Amazon store from scratch. It is a program that teaches newbies about Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) program. At least, that is what the author claims. On the course website, Seth claims that the course will help you learn the latest strategies and tactics for scaling your business in eCommerce and on Amazon. He also claimed that this course trains entrepreneurs in 100+ countries on how to build profitable Amazon and eCommerce companies.

Seth promises that when you join the program, you will have access to the FBA fees breakdown, product research evaluation tool as well as a 7-day letter for your Amazon customers.

To be honest, this course made a lot of promises. Like I always do, I will go through the course to investigate how it works and separate the real facts from myths. You need to pay attention to the following sections.

Who is Behind Just One Dime?

Like I have already mentioned above, Just One Dime was created by Seth Kniep. As it turns out, he is a well-known Amazon seller and coach. He also has a popular YouTube channel (Just One Dime) with over 208,000 subscribers. He also has tons of free content on YouTube on how you can build your Amazon FBA business. You can get a feel of his teaching by watching a couple of his videos on YouTube.

Seth claimed to earn over $1,000,000/year from his Amazon FBA business. Unfortunately, I have not been able to verify this claim at the point of writing this article. Nevertheless, I will continue to investigate and update this article once I find out more.

How Does Seth Kniep’s Just One Dime Works?

The course is created for newbies and those still struggling to take their Amazon FBA business to the next level. At least, that’s what they claimed on the website. You can join the program for free. But if you want access to the entire course, you will have to become a premium member by paying the subscription fee. This fee costs $1997 one-time payment or 3 payments of $597.

Just One Dime contains about 120 videos. These are both instructional and case study videos. If you are a paying member, you will have access to 5 hours’ worth of weekly group calling webinars as well as a 30-minutes coaching call with an Amazon expert. Additionally, there is a Facebook group where members can ask questions. I do not know how responsive this Facebook group is. In my experience, most support Facebook group usually dies off after the initial launch. Nevertheless, Seth still has an active YouTube channel where he constantly posts new videos about the Amazon FBA program.

As part of the support you will get, the author will send you 12 product ideas you can use to boost your Amazon business. He also promises to link members to suppliers.

What I Like About Just One Dime (Pros)

High-Quality Videos

To be fair to the author, his videos are of high quality. You can watch the videos in 1080P settings or down to 360P. This will depend on your internet connection. You can watch the videos whether you have a strong or poor internet connection. Additionally, the videos come with English subtitles for none-English viewers. There is also an option for Spanish subtitles for some of the videos available on the platform.

Tons of Videos

There are about 120 videos that cover most of the topics about Amazon FBA. It covers how to create your Amazon FBA account, how to get approved, how to source for products, how to get reviews, how to create listings, and even how to ship your products. Apart from the videos available on the platform, you can also watch a couple of more videos of Seth on his YouTube Channel.

The Author is Authority in this Niche

Seth Kniep is an authority in the Amazon FBA business. He has obviously made a lot of money in the industry. He is wildly-successful on Amazon and has a good number of subscribers on YouTube Channel. He puts his face to the business. He has already created another course that focused on Amazon FBA business in the past. Seth also provided his Instagram account so you can follow him. To be honest, this is something that is not common with most products I have reviewed in the past. Without a doubt, putting a face to the business gives it a lot of credibilities.

Good Support

The program provides excellent support. When you pay the full cost of the program, you can get access to private coaching sessions which also include 5 hours weekly live coaching as well as webinars with other members. You can also join the Facebook group as well as his YouTube channel.

What I Don’t Like About Just One Dime (Cons)

It is Too Expensive

To get all the promised benefits that come with this course, you will need to pay $1,997 which is almost 2000 dollars. To be honest, that is a lot of money. Most people who want to make money online cannot afford this amount of money. Even if you can afford the payment, there is no guarantee that you will succeed. Information here is nothing new. You can find most of the tips here for free on YouTube if you know how to look.

Too Many Videos

With over 120 videos, you are likely to get overwhelmed while watching these videos. Some videos are not necessary. My best guess is that some videos were just used to make up the numbers. You need to be very committed to being able to finish watching these videos.

Upselling Pressure

When you join the course, you will keep getting distracted by ads to buy other courses or pay for additional training. The author only did this because he wants to make as much money as possible from the course.

Huge Capital Investment Required

Apart from paying almost $2,000 to get full access to this course, you will still need to invest heavily in paying Amazon fees, lawyer fees, suppliers’ fees, and other associated fees. You need to have at least an additional $5000 before you can start Amazon FBA business after paying for the course.

No Guarantee of Success

Succeeding in Amazon as a seller takes time. For most people, this success comes after selling the right product consistently for 2 years. If you are hoping for fast money, then selling in Amazon isn’t for you. Forget all the promises on the webpage, it takes a long time before one can succeed as a seller on Amazon.

Is Just One Dime a Scam?

No! Just One Dime is a legit course. In fact, I think it is very impressive. FBA has been known to work. The person that created this course is a well-known face in the industry. Some of the strategies he shared on this course are known to work. You can also get free info about Amazon FBA just by following his YouTube Channel.

Despite Just One Dime being a legit course, it won’t work for everyone. It requires a lot of capital investment, commitment, and patience. There is a lot of competition on the Amazon platform. You need to be on top of your game to be successful on Amazon as a seller.

Alternative Genuine Business You Can Start Today

Stop wasting your time on pyramid schemes and other “easy” business that does not work. Those businesses exist only to give you false hope and take your hard-earned money. Listen! If you want to make money online, you have to be ready to put in some work. If you can work on your business for at least 2 hours per day, I guarantee that you can build a sustainable passive income that will replace your job soon.

One way to start is affiliate marketing. Anyone can start affiliate marketing from the comfort of his/her bedroom. All you need is determination and the ability to work on your business consistently for at least the first 3 to 5 months. If you can sustain your business during this period, then there is a huge chance that you will succeed. To make it easier for you, I recommend that you check out this program called “Wealthy Affiliate” that I used to build my own business. Tons of other successful online marketers like me also used Wealthy Affiliate to learn and master affiliate marketing.

Click here to check out Wealthy Affiliate

kirk whitehead

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