What is Profit With Alex? Is it Legit or Scam?

Profit With Alex Review
Name: Profit With Alex
Website: profitwithalex.net
Creator: Alex Goodwin
Price: $37
Recommended: No
Overall Rating: 3 out of 10
My top rated Program: WealthyAffiliate/FREEStarterMembership
What is Profit With Alex About?
Profit With Alex is a software designed to make building an affiliate marketing website fast and easy. These websites are used to host products from Amazon that you would make affiliate commissions from by selling these products as an affiliate of Amazon. Sounds pretty good right?
The $37 dollar monthly fee you will be paying is to cover your hosting cost and Alex gives you the software at no extra charge. He claims he offers a 60-day money back guarantee but I have not been able to confirm this yet.
During the Profit With Alex sales video, you will see that Alex gives you a look inside of his system. I must say after seeing how the software works that I was impressed.
The sales video is pretty convincing for sure. But will this software help make sales for you? Will it help get traffic to your website? Probably not. So here are two of the biggest problems I see with Profit With Alex.
1. These Websites will Not Rank
These types of quick ready-made websites might seem to you at first glance to be the way to go but what does Google think? Can you get good rankings in Google? The answer is no and that is the biggest problem I see with these type of websites.
The content is auto-generated and you would have an extremely difficult time trying to rank in Google. This is most likely the reason you won’t see any training about SEO for ranking in the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo inside Alex’s system.
So if you don’t know this already, without being able to rank in the search engines you are eliminating one of the best free traffic sources there is before you even get started. I take that back, SEO is the best free traffic on the planet.
So now you have to use other sources of traffic which most likely means you are going to pay for it. There are some other free methods that Alex goes over in the training that can help get traffic to your site but this will not be enough to avoid having to use some sort of paid traffic as well.
2. Training on Getting Traffic is Fair at Best
Okay, so let’s take a deeper look at the Profit With Alex training on how you are going to be getting traffic to your website. Without traffic to your website and no eyeballs on your products you are not going to be making many sales if any at all. Here are a few of the free traffic methods you will find inside the training area.
The first one I will cover is a method I have been using for a long time now that to this day gets me very limited results. This is one that has been around since the arrival of Facebook. What you do is create FB groups that are closely related to your niche website. This can be a Pvt group that other people have to ask to join and you accept them or an open group that anyone can join.
Then the idea is to grow these groups and create a brand by being the expert in your chosen niche. By doing this you can use your influence to promote your website, and products. This will take you some time to do. The training does not really go into any detail on how to build and grow these groups so this leaves you kind of on your own to be able to figure out. This, in my opinion, should all be covered in the training but it is not.
The second one I want to go over is one that I have tried before Forum Marketing. This was very time consuming for me and did not get even close to the results I would have expected for the effort I was putting into it. I am not saying that you can’t get this method to work for you but from my experience, I sure wouldn’t bet the farm on getting much traffic out of it.
One thing I would suggest is to make sure they allow link posting before sharing any links on the site. Most forums will not allow this and will boot you out for spamming.
The last one is another method I used years ago before I knew better lol. Yep, this is a technique where you go around in different FB groups, fan pages, just about anywhere on the web that allows it and posts images with links or short descriptions of a product with a link to your site. This method I know is taught still today but I doubt it is going to get you a lot of traffic or sales.
It seems pretty obvious to me you are going to have to use paid traffic along with some of the free methods to be able to get enough traffic to your site to make sales. I see a lot of these programs that look pretty good but the training on traffic generation is outdated or short on substance. This is the reason so many people with big dreams of working from home and making a full time living online fail which is kind of sad. Although:
Does Profit With Alex Work? Can You Make Money?
There is no doubt that the software presentation in the sales video looks legit and will indeed get you a website up full of products really fast. So when asking the question does Profit With Alex work I can honestly say the software is cool and works great.
Although if we would be asking the question are you going to be able to make a profit with Alex’s software that is not so easy to answer. Neither is answering the question can you make money with Profit With Alex. Both of these answers are up in the air depending on how much traffic you can get to your site, at what price, and how well your offers convert.
So if you can learn some good free traffic strategies along with using some paid traffic methods like PPC (pay per click), FB ads, and other paid traffic sources I believe you might be able to make this work for you.
You will need enough seed money to be able to afford the $37 monthly fee along with all the paid advertising which will most likely take some time to tweak and get it converting.
Most likely we are talking several hundred dollars before you are going to be able to determine if it is going to be possible to make a profit and how much. I would really be surprised if anyone without a lot of experience in traffic generation would be able to start making money without going in dept for at least a few months.
So if you really don’t have the seed money I see no way that just using free traffic methods could ever generate enough traffic to make much money at all. Maybe if you are only looking to make a sale here and there for a few extra dollars a month this could possibly help you with that.
Is Profit With Alex a Scam?
Although I am highly skeptical that many people will be able to actually make money with Profit With Alex the software does do what he says it would. Several years ago software like this could have made a huge difference before Google and other search engines made changes on what kind of content ranked.
I am not going to be recommending this program but is Profit With Alex a scam? No, not even close. I have reviewed many scams and this isn’t one of them. As I mentioned earlier he does say he offers a 60-day money back guarantee.
My Profit With Alex Review Final Thoughts
First I would like to Thank You for reading my review of Profit With Alex and hope you were able to acquire some of the information you were looking for. My suggestion to you would be to take a look at my review of My #1 Recommendation to make money online before pulling out your credit card and joining Profit With Alex.
The program I am talking about is Wealthy Affiliate. Let’s compare these two opportunities.
This is only a few of the many benefits you will get at Wealthy Affiliate that you won’t get with Profit With Alex. With all of the scams and over hyped up opportunities that are out all over the web I totally get why you are doing your homework and getting all the information and advice you can before making a decision on whether Profit With Alex is the right choice for you or not.
If you have any questions you would like to ask me please leave them in the comments section below. You can also get in touch with me via my profile page inside of Wealthy Affiliate.
To your success,